From Mum on 28/03/2011

My angel. It's getting harder everyday without you. The pain is unbearable. Me, Mick, Jamie and friends was speaking about you, how you would scratch the top of your head when your thinking what to do next :-) Ernie done an impression of you, it was really good and made us laugh. Then the sadness comes back as quick as the laugh is over, we miss you, we want you, and we need you. You was the biggest part of Jamie's life, your little brother, please take care of him Daniel, please I beg of you to hear my prayers. I pray God is taking good care of you although you should be here for us to take care of you. This is just so unfair. I love you so much. My heart is broken into tiny bits and sadly never to be repaired. Loving you and thinking of you ALL the time. Mum. xxx